Alex's Family History of Faith

Monday, April 19, 2010

Sydney Elizabeth Smith - my cousin (mom's side)

Sydney was born on December 25,1998 and born and raised in Brandon Manitoba. Her Favorite childhood toy was her barbies. Her favorite music is rock. Sydney has three syblings named Marley, Dara, and Logan. She loves singing, dancing and painting. Her last favorite subject is math. When Sydney grows up, she wants to be an actress. Her favorite trips she has ever went on was to Huntington Beach California and Australia. Sydney was born into the church and will possibly go on a mission.

Kelly Renee Pieren- my aunt (mom's sister)

Kelly Renee Pieren was born on September 21, 1978 in Edmonton Alberta Canada. She grew up in Brandon Manatoba Canada. Her favorite music artists were Milli Vanilli. She had three siblings. When she was a teenager, she worked at McDonalds, Smart Set, footlocker, a Tan Salon and Walmart. Her hobbies included playing sports, baking, baby sitting and doing hair. She studied hair styling. Her favorite subject in school was math. She did not like biology. Kelly was born into the church. She went on a mission in Arizona at the visitor center.

Her faith promoting story:

Lyall William Francis Smith- my grandpa (mom's dad)

Lyall was born June 15, 1945. He was born in Altona Canada. He grew up in Emerson, Manitoba, Canada. When he was a little kid he loved his toy tractor. His favorite music was the Beaales and Rock n' Roll. He had two brothers (Brain and Barry.) His job in his teen years was working on the farm. He wanted to be a farmer when he was little. In collage, he studied agriculture. His favorite subject was physics. He didn't like english. Lyall went to Quebec, Montreal across Canada and also traveled around the world!!! After he got married and had one kid, he joined the church because it taught the truth and a better way of life.

Justin Lyall Smith- uncle (mom's brother)

Justin Lyall Smith was born May 8, 1975 in Edmonton Alberta Canada. He grew up in Emerson and Brandon Canada. His favorite childhood toy was his honda 50 motorcycle. His favorite kind of music was heavy metal. Justin has 3 siblings (Kristin, Kelly and Kerri.) His hobbies include listening to music, playing hockey, and playing guitar. His favorite subjects in school were creative writing and biology. His least favorite subject was chemistry. When he was a kid, he wanted to be a chief and a mechanic. Justin was born into the church. He went on a mission on Louisiana. His favorite part of his mission was meeting all of the cool people.