Linda was born January 10,1950. She was born n Harmiota Canada. She lived in Bertile Canada until first grade. Then she moved to La Pas Canada. Linda's favorite toy as a child was her doll, Jill. JIll came with a gold corduroy rain coat. Linda's favorite music was rock and roll. Her favorite music artist was Bill Haley. He came out when she was in first grade. Her favorite song by him was Rock Around the Clock. In Linda's home as a child, there was 6 kids. She had 1 older sister, Beverly, 1 older brother, Bob, and 4 younger brothers, Ernie, Gary, Gordie and Donny, and one younger sister, Lori. Since she was one of the oldest, she had to babysit, dust and clean the bathroom. In her spare time, she took care of her garden, sewed and did crafts. While she was in school, she loved health and lab class. She also enjoyed biology and english. On weekends, she would go to the movie theater ,and all of the kids in her family got to choose a candy. Linda always chose a roll of peppermints. Her favorite family trip she has ever gone on was to British Columbia. When she was a child,she wanted to be a nurse. But, she decided not to take up nursing because after her mom died,she couldn't see people die. The reason Linda joined the church of Jesus Chist Of Later Day Saints is because she was looking for answers. He missionaries had all of the answers to the questions she had.
Her faith promoting story:
When my kids were young, we spent many hours at the skating rink. One winter, when Kerri was about 4 we were at the rink, and she was hopping around a friend of ours that was smoking. As he put his arm down with his cigarette, Kerri jumped into the tip of the cigarette which broke off into her eye. She started crying and a bunch of ladies ran over and we ran her over to the bathroom washing the cigarette out of her eye. Someone phoned the hospital across the street and said we were coming. As we ran across the street a nurse ran out and explained they weren't equiped to help but to run her to Morris and they would help there. We piled into the car and the missionaries just happened to be walking by. They came over to see what was wrong and jumped in the car with us. Kerri was crying so much, that the missionaries reached over the car seat and gave her a healing blessing. Within 30 seconds, Kerri stopped crying and fell asleep. We got to Morris and when the nurse opened her eye, it was grey. I thought she was blind. The doctors rushed her in and froze her eye and ran saline solution for 20 minutes to neutralize the acid. Then they put some ointment and sent us to the Children's Hospital in Winnipeg. When we got there, the specialist was waiting for us and took Kerri in and examined her. He said that everything was done perfectly in Morris and all the grey burn was washed away. He said everything would be ok. Well, she recovered and is the only one in the family that doesn't wear glasses. When she worked for an optometrist recently, she had the doctor look at her eye. The doctor said there was no indication of any previous trauma and he couldn't believe it! I know that the priesthood healed her. That has strengthened my faith.